Sunday, April 22, 2012

The ______ Journey

long. interesting. exhausting. intriguing. never ending.

It was indeed quite the trip. 2 airplanes, 1 of which was MIA to everyone including the airline for several hours, long layovers, many unexpected delays, several security checks, over 48hours of continuous travel and, thankfully, 3 happy patient kids.
Aidan was so overwhelmed with glee when our plane to Germany approached the gate in Baltimore (the one mia for 4 hours) that he broke out into song "I'm so happy, so happy. I'm so happy the airplane to Gemany is here! I'm so happy!"

Once in Germany and after a long wait of inprocessing at the airport (due to our plane being 4 hours late) we were shuttled to a German hotel called the Barbarossa Hotel. It was gorgeous. We we on the 3rd story of what should have been called a country cottage rather then hotel. Below are pictures of our room.

The tiny water closet
Living area
The "King" bed (two twins sitting close)
The kids' room.
Aidan LOVED his tall bed!

The bed was hard but we rested very comfortably with the down pillows and comforters provided. It just proved to us that bedding can make the bed. For dinner that night we ate at the hotel restaurant where Josh had his first "wiezenbeir", or wheat beer. I had a taste as wheat beer is my favorite and I fell in love. The kids enjoyed their sausage and fries.

Upon arrival in Vilseck, our final destination, we were checked in, briefed and sent to the hotel. Finally a resting place for more then a few hours. It's a nice room, enough beds for everyone and a little kitchenette for cooking some food. After a few days of in-processing Josh met with housing and we were found to be lucky to have a choice of 2 different available places. I'll get to the one we picked later this week (we move in on Wednesday!)

The Tabblets will leave you with one last picture.... They were dying for a "bath" but all we have is a shower.
Good thing little sister is still cooking.... not sure if she would have been able to join in the fun!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Obsess much?

Do you know the official definition of obsession?

a persistant idea or impulse that continually forces its way into consciousness, often associated with anxiety and mental illness
2. a persistent preoccupation, idea or feeling.

Truth box: my obsession. Facebook/social networking.
It is fully my obsession that causes anxiety and, yes, mental illness. It has become unhealthy for all of us in our household. No one likes a momma that continuously has her phone stuck in her hand checking the latest "up to do's", see who said what about that, what was commented on that picture, ect.
Since we moved and are starting over in many areas in our lives, individually and as a whole, this is my start over.
We have both agreed and will make a effort to eliminate social media within our day. I will focus more on the kids and the house, Josh will focus more on us when he gets home.
We had a trial of said "less social media" while we were on leave and WOW what a difference! I'm so in love with my non facebook/social media days.

I am so looking forward to just writing the occasional blog about our "up to do's" mixed with some pictures of our Germany adventures and only signing into THAT website periodically.