We got a portrait package (to be delivered at a later date), rented a hotel room and even had a babysitter to watch the kids in our hotel room. They enjoy hotels (who doesn't as a kid) so it was even a fun experience for them. I think we got the coolest babysitter in the world... or at least in all of Germany. Her name was Silvia and the kids loved her at first sight.
It was nice to get all dolled up, haven't worn a real pair of heels in... 6 years? haha. I felt pretty for the first time in awhile. It was a good night. A night we'll always remember!
Now about the pictures I'm about to share with you. I didn't want to take my Nikon as it's too bulky for such a event, especially because I didn't want to carry it around with me all over. So I was going to take our little canon point and shoot but alas it had a dead battery. So I was left with my newest little camera which was made for underwater. HAHA!
Knowing we were going to get a professional portrait package I wasn't upset knowing my UW camera wasn't going to take great pictures. So please ignore the quality. It does take great photos... underwater :-)
Sarah and I
Josh took this one... we didn't know he was snapshoting us :-)
By the way, that's an 11 Euro Midori Sour!!! We stuck to beer.
Kate and I
(seeing if the flash makes it any better)
Maranda and I
I wish I hadn't accidently deleted the picture we took right after this. We were both appalled at the quality of the picture so we thought that maybe we could get a better one if the camera was under water since it is an under water camera. So we found a large mouth glass, filled it with water, set the timer and dropped the camera in! Wish I could have recorded the screams that were let out when people saw me drop the camera in the water HAHAHA! Classic I tell you! The picture came out pretty good, although it was in ice water so the ice blurred it a little. It was pretty great.
Class A's are not fazed out until April of next year. Tabb was the best looking one there, rocking his greens :-)
Jenni and I.
I'll be sad the day we get orders that aren't the same. We've been together since Korea I love this girl!
Thankfully some friends brought their nice cameras and we were able to get some good non formal shots :-)