Friday, December 21, 2012

A New Holiday Tradition

Holiday traditions are of high importance in our little family of 6. We've adopted some from our seperate families growing up and started some of our own. One I never thought we would take on as our own was cookie decorating. Mainly because I don't bake. I just don't. LOL.
However, this year I was gifted a great EASY recipe for good, soft sugar cookies along with cutters AND decorating jazz.

So I finally tried it.

AND WE LOVED IT! (yes all of us)
We start off with a little bit of Bub-Bub. He thought it was hilarious that my camera would "flash" him before I took the picture. (the light sensor) 

 This one is my favorite... He's chuckling quite loudly! 
 After letting the dough refrigerate overnight we rolled it out and the kids picked which cutters they wanted to use. I had to keep my eye on miss Teagan who would put the cutter any random place on the rolled dough. haha. I guess she didn't care much about getting as many cut per "roll out" as I was. 
 The first batch didn't burn! SUCCESS FOR MAMA! 
 Asking nicely if he could eat his first cookie! 
 Teagan did NOT like how the sprinkles melted in her hand when she held it closed. 
However once she learned to keep her hand open she had a blast. She also really liked the pink icing... hehe. 
 I made some Christmas colors. They picked the cookie and the color. Josh and I applied the icing and they did the sprinkling. It worked out great! 

 We had some "eye" candy... Aidan was OBSESSED. Every cookie HAD to have an eye, if not 2. 
 Silly man. :-) 
We noticed later that one looks like Elmo and another looks like Larry the Cucumber. Coincidence? 
 That recipe made A LOT of cookies...
 Can you say... "sugar rush!" 
I made a few myself when the kids were busy sprinkling their own. My favorite was the Christmas tree but as you can see someone else liked it just as much and it got bit before I had a chance to take a picture. LOL. 

I've already looked into every other major holiday cookie cutters...
This may become a new hobby rather then tradition. :-)

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